onsdag 17 juni 2009

Reba McEntire Every Other Weekend f/Kenny Chesney

Av en slump snubblade jag över denna video med Reba McEntire och den berörde mig djupt. Det känns som om hon skriver om mitt liv - förutom att jag inte saknar eller älskar exet... Jag är så mycket lyckligare utan honom och allt som det förhållandet förde med sig.

Klicka på länken så får ni se videon och texten till låten har jag lagt in längre ner.. det som är markerat är det som känns så otroligt bekant...

Reba McEntire Every Other Weekend f/Kenny Chesney

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Every Other Weekend
Reba McEntire and Kenny Chesney

Every Other Friday
It's toys and clothes and backpacks
Is everybody in?
Ok lets go see dad
Same time in the same spot
Corner of the same old parking lot
Half the hugs and kisses
There are always sad
We trade a couple words and looks and kids again
Every Other Weekend

Every Other Weekend
Very few exceptions
I pick up the love we made in both my arms
It's movies on the sofa
Grilled cheese and cut the crust off
"But that's not the way mom makes it daddy" breaks my heart

I miss everything I use to have with her again
Every Other Weekend

But I can't tell her I love her

I can't tell him I love him

Cause there's too many questions and

Ears in the car

So I don't tell him I miss him

I don't tell her I need her

She's(He's) over me, that's where we are

So we're as close as we might ever be again

Every Other Weekend

Every Other Saturday
First thing in the mornin'
I turn the TV on to make the quiet go away
I know why, but I don't know why
We ever let this happen
Fallin' for forever was a big mistake
There's so much not to do, and all day not to do it in
Every Other Weekend

Every Other Sunday
I empty out my backseat
While my children hug their mother in the parking lot
We don't touch
We don't talk much
Maybe goodbye to each other
Then she drives away with every piece of heart I've got

I reconvince myself we did the right thing
Every Other Weekend

So I can't tell her I love her

I can't tell him I love him

Cause there's too many questions and

Ears in the car

So I don't tell him I miss him

I don't tell her I need her

She's(He's) over me, that's where we are

So we're as close as we might ever be again

Every Other Weekend

Yeah for fifteen minutes we're a family again

God I wish that he was still with me again

Every Other Weekend

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